Saturday 16 December 2017

Depict Short Films

‘The Kiss’
I liked the short film 'The Kiss' I thought that it was a good use for a 90 second video, although the camera shots don't change the people move in a weird way almost like the video is jammed or stuck on repeat, this is also shown by the static noises in the background. The quality is grainy at points but there is a continuous change between static and blurred focus on the two people that 'the kiss' is based around. I think that the video is portrayed as a kiss but there is connotation behind it its showing love and a warmth in a relationship. Although the love involved gives us a warm feel, the static noises and the lack of dialogue gives a creepy vibe. It sort of reminds me of a creature maybe from Doctor Who and the rippled look reminds me of some sort of portal that could take you somewhere but I don’t think it would take you anywhere nice. I like how the editors have changed the image to make it look like it is actually moving, they stretch it just and blur it which gives it the effect of the couple moving up and down and they also do similar things to make the couple look like they’re going left to right. As the figures are stretched around it takes me back to the creature look, in parts the male it stretched taller than the female which gives him a more superior look and at the same time making him look scary as he is almost transformed into a monster by the editing made to his figure. My favourite part is the abrupt stop at the end of the video, everything just stops, I got the feeling that it was all normal again. 

‘Rubber Guillotine’
This short film featured quite a few different shot types including Close-ups, panning, zoom, extreme close ups (a zoom in to an extreme close up) medium shots and long shots. I liked this short film because of how many different shots are used. The filmmakers really thought about how they wanted their short film to work. The film is showing what the girl wants with her future, although she just wants to become green gelatine as she says, everyone around her thinks it’s a bad and weird idea but she won’t take no for an answer, she doesn’t seem to have any friends or any cares.  The dialogue is relevant and the girl in the film is telling a story. The short film includes a voice over, this has the effect of feeling closer to the character, and it’s quite a personal film and lets us into the thoughts of the girl. 

‘Family Dinner’
This short film shows a family sitting around a table, it uses a lot of panning as the camera goes around the table from a perspective in the middle of the table. It shows different conversations as it goes around the table. When the panning stops there are 4 different two shots of 4 sets of people sat around the table. I like how it shows the four different conversations as separate parts of the video but then towards the end everyone is part of one conversation but it still pans around the table to everyone who talks as part of the conversation. There is basically just dialogue with some quiet music in the background. This short film shows us the type of conversations families have at the dinner table. The dialogue is the most relevant part as it all leads to the outcome at the end where the brother gets a slap. 

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