Sunday 15 October 2017

Connotation Photos

This is a photo of a drinking fountain, mostly focusing on the water which could represent purity, hydration, strength and cleanliness.

This photo is of a dark staircase, mostly focusing on the darkness which could represent fear, isolation and anxiety.

This photo is of a hand, mostly focusing on how bare it looks which could represent poverty, sadness and just plainly nothing.

This photo is of a vending machine, mostly focusing on the food inside it could represent desire, greed, hunger and selfishness.

This photo is of a girl sitting on a bench, mainly focusing on the girl it could represent loneliness, isolation and sadness.

This photo is of someone writing in a book, mainly focusing on the book it could represent the strength of knowledge, education and working hard. 

This photo is of a cash machine, mainly focusing on the money it could represent wealth, greed and desire.

 This photo is of two people laughing, mainly focusing on the facial expressions it could represent friendship, happiness and fun. 
This is a photo of a broken pencil focusing mainly on the pencil it could represent weakness, being broken and feeling fragile or useless.



This is a photo of someone flaunting a credit card, focusing mainly on the credit card it could represent greed, wealth and being stuck up.

 This is a photo of warning sign, focusing mainly on the slipping figure it could represent danger, carelessness and safety.

This is a photo of a couple holding hands, focusing mainly on the hands it could represent love, friendship and comfort.

Monday 9 October 2017

Change of Hands Induction Task

For our induction task we had to create a mini film to show continuity. Our film was good on continuity throughout most of it but have a few flaws including the change in lighting as we filmed into the evening and also the change of hands scene starts off as Natalie but ends with my hands.

All round i think our film went really well, our editing took a while but it worked and our film was finished on time and the music chosen was perfect for our short film. if we had the chance to do it again i think we would film it earlier for less of a lighting change and to watch out for continuity errors.

3MW Documentary-The Sugar Tax